Lab Members
Prof. Angela Moles | Head of Lab
I lead the Big Ecology Lab, in the Evolution & Ecology Research Centre in the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences at UNSW Sydney. My primary research goal is to quantify the ecological strategies employed by plant species in different environments, and to better understand the selective processes underlying global patterns in ecological strategy.
Click here to to see past publications, and here for my researcher profile.
Charlotte Billinghurst | Honours Student
My Honours research investigates which Australian plants living at old mine sites can hyper-accumulate heavy metals. My project focuses on predicting which species are most likely to be heavy metal hyperaccumulators through morphological traits, phylogenetic signals and biogeographical relationships. With this information, Australian plants can be further used as sustainable tools in contaminated land remediation.
Iain Campbell | PhD Student
My doctoral research is based on a new Habitats of the World mid-level habitat classification system with around 500 habitats worldwide. My research focuses on investigating the optimal scale at which bird assemblages can better indicate habitats compared to existing mapping using the IUCN or IVC systems. Additionally, I aim to explore whether bird assemblages of conspicuous species can serve as indicators for cryptic birds, mammals, and herptiles. I am also interested in determining whether the absence of a species in naturally depauperate or recently impoverished habitats can be considered a valid indicator of the habitat type.
I am eager to assist other ecologists interested in classifying habitats in their respective areas of work, so please feel free to contact me.
Ciara de Andrade | Honours Student
My research focuses on the effectiveness of species distribution models (SDMs). I aim to determine how accurately SDMs can use historical species data to model current species distributions. Therefore indicating their potential for future modelling.
Felix Mitchell | Honours Student
My research focuses on plant-soil interactions in a sub-alpine ecosystem and how they could be affected by a warmer climate. I will be cultivating various native species in the UNSW glasshouse in different conditions to observe their responses, providing insight to what the future holds for our beloved native flora.
Inna Osmolovsky | PhD Student
My research is about plant response to climate change. Specifically, I’m interested in how ecological interactions might affect how species are shifting their ranges to track their climatic niche.
Arielle Perkett | Honours Student
My Honours project focuses on the fragmentation of tree ecosystems in New South Wales (NSW). I have always wondered how deforestation in NSW has affected the connectivity of all living things. For my Honours, I plan to investigate the prevalence of herbivory and Myrtle Rust across tree fragments of different sizes.research focuses on the effectiveness of species distribution models (SDMs). I aim to determine how accurately SDMs can use historical species data to model current species distributions. Therefore indicating their potential for future modelling.
Charlie | Lab Support Officer
I provide love and attention to all members of The Big Ecology Lab, and to lab visitors.